What I Wanted to Accomplish by September 2021 and Why It Changed

Jorge Viramontes
2 min readJan 2, 2021
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021

In September of 2020, I went down a road of starting my own business. My initial goal was to replace my salaried income by this date. I had signed up for an online community & course on how to create your own digital advertising agency.

After spending some time and learning some lessons, I quickly learned that this wasn’t where I primarily wanted to focus my energy on my nights and weekends. I was able to do the work, but I wasn’t emotionally bought in to the mission of the work.

I know I’m an incredibly talented writer. I’ve been doing it for myself for a long time now. I’ve taken this gift for granted — the gift to communicate, to share, to express myself, and to express ideas to others. Over the years, I’ve learned that it isn’t a skill that many seek to practice or refine.

Language is an Art. Language can be used to express an idea or an emotion. The ability to captivate an audience with our words is a gift. Like any art, it needs to be intentionally practiced. The more you do it, the better you’ll get.

What I would really like to accomplish by September, 2021 is to have used all of my creative talents towards something that’s larger than me. Through work, I attain important skills. Through books, I learn critical perspectives. Through my art, I use my life’s experiences to share something with others. Something that will hopefully touch, move, or inspire people. Through my storytelling, the listener discovers an emotional connection.

Through art, the reader can gain empathy and realize the similarities that exist between us. We are here living in this moment. The fact of the matter is: language can connect us all. Our consciousness aligns when we read words on a paper and understand what is being communicated.

I’m creating space for myself to continue my practice of writing. I’m living into the possibility of connection and understanding. Thank you for reading, and may you use language to deeply connect with others.

-JV 1/2/21



Jorge Viramontes

Tech Consultant | Software Engineer | Musician | Mindful Millennial | University of Michigan ’13 — B.S. Informatics, Entrepreneurship